Volume 2, Article 6

Volume 2, Article 6

The Relationship between Leader Coaching Behaviours and Employees’ Creative Problem Solving: Insights from workplace
Kinga Szabó and Lucia Ratiu

Citation: Szabó, K., & Ratiu, L. (2021). The Relationship between Leader Coaching Behaviours and Employees’ Creative Problem Solving: Insights from workplace. International Journal of Coaching Psychology, 2, 6, 1-14. https://ijcp.nationalwellbeingservice.com/volumes/volume-2-2021/volume-2-article-6/

Processing dates: Submitted 12 February 2021; Resubmitted 13 May 2021; Accepted 27 May 2021; Published 9 December 2021


Aims: This study investigated the predictive role of managers in facilitating employees’ problem-solving capacity by examining the way in which different coaching functions relate to problem-solving at the workplace and how rational problem-solving can influence that.

Methods: To investigate managerial coaching behaviours, three main components of coaching employees for performance – guidance, facilitation, and inspiration – were rated by the participants. Creative Problem-solving Ability Scale measured both types of problem-solving (rational and creative problem-solving). The analysis was conducted on a sample of 934 employees from several organizations working in various jobs.

Results: Results indicated that managerial coaching behaviour predicted rational problem solving and creative problem-solving. In addition, facilitative and inspirational managerial coaching behaviour predicted changes from rational to creative problem-solving.

Discussion: Based on our results, we suggest that managers who want their employees to adopt creative problem-solving behaviours display more facilitative and inspiration
coaching behaviours.

Conclusions: This study advances managerial coaching frameworks through empirical testing. Facilitative and inspiration behaviours prove to be more effective than guidance to generate creative solutions to problems.

Keywords: guidance coaching behaviour, facilitation coaching behaviour, inspiration coaching behaviour, creative problem-solving, rational problem-solving

Volume 2, Article 6


Lucia Ratiu is Senior Assistant Professor and teaches organizational behaviour and coaching at the Babes-Bolyai University, Romania. Her research interests include coaching and the psychological determinants of team and individual performance in organizations.

Kinga Szabó is Senior Assistant Professor and teaches work psychology and creativity at the Babes-Bolyai University, Romania. Her research interests include coaching and the psychological determinants of creative behaviour.