Volume 3, 2022

Volume 3, 2022

Volume 3, Article 1: Editorial

Editorial: The International Journal of Coaching Psychology, 2022. 
Siobhain O’Riordan and Stephen Palmer

Citation: O’Riordan, S., & Palmer, S. (2022). Editorial: The International Journal of Coaching Psychology, 2022. International Journal of Coaching Psychology, 3, 1, 1-3. https://ijcp.nationalwellbeingservice.com/volumes/volume-3-2022/volume-3-article-1-editorial

Volume 3, Article 2

Dancing and Coaching Psychology: The impact of rhythmic movement or music on the effectiveness of a single peer coaching session
Katharina Leocadia Klyk, Stephen Palmer, and Tanja Zimmermann

Citation: Klyk, K. L., Palmer, S., & Zimmermann, T. (2022). Dancing and Coaching Psychology: The impact of rhythmic movement or music on the effectiveness of a single peer coaching session. International Journal of Coaching Psychology, 3, 2, 1-12. https://ijcp.nationalwellbeingservice.com/volumes/volume-3-2022/volume-3-article-2/

Volume 3, Article 3

The urban myth of the ‘Why…’ question. Can coaches ask ‘Why?’
Ian Day

Citation: Day, I. (2022). The urban myth of the ‘Why…’ question. Can coaches ask ‘Why?’ International Journal of Coaching Psychology, 3, 3, 1-5. https://ijcp.nationalwellbeingservice.com/volumes/volume-3-2022/volume-3-article-3/

Volume 3, Article 4

Boss vs Coach: From conventional to post-conventional leadership
Po Lindvall, Stephen Palmer, & Annette Fillery-Travis

Citation: Lindvall, P., Palmer, S., & Fillery-Travis, A. (2022). Boss v/s Coach: From conventional to post-conventional leadership. International Journal of Coaching Psychology, 3, 4, 1-18. https://ijcp.nationalwellbeingservice.com/volumes/volume-3-2022/volume-3-article-4/